The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding our monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 4th at 5:00 PM. Village residents may attend in-person at the Middleburgh Library or online via Zoom (link information published below). Below is the Agenda and attached Board Packet.
- Deputy Mayor to open the Village meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM.
- Motion to approve Board Minutes of September 11, 2023.
- Fire Department monthly report:
- Code Officer monthly report:
- DPW Superintendent monthly report:
Water: Sheldon Avenue Water Line Repair Update
Sewer: - Motion to Adopt Resolution 6-2023: Establishing October 7, 2023 as “Middleburgh
Hardware Day.” - Halloween Curfew: Contact the Sheriff’s Department and send Codes: Halloween Curfew.
- Budget Officer Report: reminder that Budget Workshop Dates are scheduled for October 9,
2023 at the Middleburgh Library (7:00 PM) and October 16, 2023 (7:00 PM) at the
Middleburgh Firehall. - Public Comment: limited to 3 minutes per resident. Any interruptions or outbursts prior to
Public Comment may result in offending resident being asked to leave. - Audit Bills:
- Correspondence: 9/1/23 letter Charter Comm re: Channels; 9/7/23 letter Hartford re: Compliance posters; letter NYMIR re: battery disconnect; 9/8/23 letter NYS Office Temporary Assistance re: Water program; 9/11/23 letter Midtel re: Cert Liability Ins; 9/12/23 & 9/15/23 letter Charter Comm re: Channels; 9/21/23 letter IDT Corp & PAETEC re: zero gross tax; 9/26/23 letter NBT Insurance re: changes.
- Adjournment.
Village of Middleburgh is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: Village Of Middleburgh’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 4, 2023, 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 892 3099 1753
Passcode: 333328