Around the Village, Construction Updates, Village News|

At the April Village Board Meeting, the Village Board of Trustees approved Schoenecker Construction’s Sidewalk Bid of $60,900 to replace the dilapidated, existing sidewalks on Upper Danforth Avenue, Lower Grove, and Wells Avenue. The Board chose Schoenecker Construction’s bid out of three received by the Village during the RFP process. Theirs was the lowest bid.

Following the bid award, DPW Superintendent Cole Keyser and Schoenecker Construction consulted on the timeline for this project, with the contractor stating they would begin removing existing sidewalk as early as this week – starting with the Upper Danforth Avenue section near the Fire Department parking area – and continuing towards Wells Avenue/Lower Grove.

Stone will be placed where driveways are located along Wells Avenue to ensure Village residents have ease of access to get in and out. Additionally, the Village DPW will be contracting out the removal of 2 trees on Upper Danforth Avenue as part of this process.

“We are excited to begin the work on repairing our dilapidated residential sidewalks in Middleburgh,” commented Village Mayor Timothy Knight after the sidewalk replacement bid was approved. “This will only serve as the beginning of a long, multi-year process of improving pedestrian infrastructure in our beautiful community.”

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