
Agenda has been updated to reflect Friday afternoon’s bid opening for the M&S Depot RFP at Village Hall.

The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding our Monthly Meeting on Monday, July 1st at 7:00 PM. Village residents may attend in-person at the Middleburgh Library or online via Zoom (Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83594358825?pwd=rIMen1bUHYzmRhfpbdoQmxQ0wiSly4.1). Please see the Agenda and attached Board Packet below.


  1. Mayor Opens Village Board Meeting with Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 P.M.
  2. Motion to approve Regular Board Minutes of June 3, 2024, and Special Board Minutes of June 11, 2024.
  3. Announcements: Public Wi-Fi in the Village
  4. Fire Department Chief Gregory Monthly Report:
  5. Code Officer Fink Monthly Report:
  6. DPW Superintendent Keyser Monthly Report:
    • Streets: Gorge Road, Griebel Lane, and Pleasant Avenue Road Paving – July 3, 2024
    • Water:
    • Sewer:
  7. Motion to open Public Hearing: CDBG – CFA Application at 7:15 PM.
  8. Motion to approve Resolution 10-2024 – SEQR Type II Action
  9. Motion to approve Refunding Bond Resolution – WWTP Improvements Project
  10. 111 Railroad Avenue Discussion:
  11. Motion to Appoint 250th Committee: Village – Mayor Timothy Knight, Trustee Sheryl Adams, and Resident Matthew Lacy; Town – Supervisor John Youmans, Councilwoman Sue Makely; and Town of Fulton – Councilman Richard Mix.
  12. M&S Depot RFPs:
    • Schoenecker Construction – $69,848
    • Steve Meyers Construction – $77,780
  13. Future of Village Pool Discussion: JRC Vice-President Mike Wilkens
  14. Motion to close Public Hearing: CDBG – CFA Application at 7:45 PM.
  15. Public Comment: limited to 3 minutes per resident. Any interruptions or outbursts prior to Public Comment may result in offending resident being asked to leave.
  16. Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss ongoing litigation with advice of Village Attorney.
  17. Audit Bills:
  18. Correspondence: 6/3/24 NYSDEC re: Annual SPDES; Letter M. Library re: Donation; 6/6/24 Letter CDPHP re: increases; 6/7/24 V. Middleburgh re: Office Resilient Homes Gorge Creek complete; Letter V. Middleburgh re: Flag contest; 6/14/24 & 6/21/24 Letter Charter Comm re: 6/20/24 Cert Liability re: Long Heat, VMJR; Channels; 6/24/24 Gross Receipts Tax-PAETEC, IDT; 6/24/24 V.Middleburgh re; Office Comm Renewal.
  19. Adjournment.

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