The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding our Monthly Board Meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 7:00 PM. Village residents may attend in-person at the Middleburgh Library or online via Zoom ( Please see the Agenda and attached Board Packet below.
- Mayor open meeting with Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM
- Motion to approve Board Minutes of January 6, 2025, and January 22, 2025.
- Chief Gregory Fire Department Monthly Report:
- Code Officer Fink Monthly Report:
- Attorney Mauhs – 111 Railroad Avenue Update
- Superintendent Keyser Monthly Report:
- General:
- Antique Lighting on River/Main Streets
- Water:
- Sewer:
- General:
- Motion to empower Mayor Knight to fill seasonal part-time laborer position upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee who will be conducting interviews on February 5, 2025.
- Motion to approve February 2025 Water Rents in the amount $50,319.40 & Sewer Rents in the amount of $55,496.91.
- Motion to transfer budget line-item amounts:
- A5110.8 Streets Health to A5010.1 DPW Salary $3076.00
- F8340.8 Water Health to F8340.1 DPW Salary $ 1373.00
- G8130.8 Sewer Health to G8110.1 DPW Salary $ 1040.00
- Public Comment: limited to 3 minutes per resident. Any interruptions or outbursts prior to Public Comment may result in the offending resident being asked to leave.
- Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss ongoing litigation with advice of Village Attorney.
- Audit Bills
- Correspondence:1/3/25 letter Board Elections re: Terms; 1/8/25 letter Greene Bank re: dormant acct; 1/10/25 Application re: Alcoholic Beverage License Old Bar and Grill, LLC; 1/15/25 Charter Comm. re: channels; 1/21/25 letter Gross Tax re: Time Warner, IDT Corp, BP Energy; 1/24/25 Certificate Liability re: Valley Contractors; 1/29/25 letter Charter Comm re: Channel changes.
- Adjournment