The Village of Middleburgh has successfully completed a $15,000 NYSERDA grant project by converting its Historic Lights on River Street to LEDs, which has not only made the charming entrance to the Village brighter but more energy efficient. The new LED lights were installed by the Village DPW Crew this week with the arrival of warmer weather to the community.
The Village received two grants totaling $15,000 under the Clean Energy Communities Program after a series of actions were taken, including the installation of a Mini Split System at the M&S Railroad Depot and the Village’s CDG subscription. A number of parties, including the Village Code Enforcement Office, Historic Society volunteers, and the Middleburgh Rotary Club played a role in securing these monies.
“This project is the epitome of that old expression ‘many hands make light work,’ as a series of Village officials and community members contributed towards its completion,” stated Village of Middleburgh Mayor Timothy Knight.
He added, “I want to personally thank our friends at the Mohawk Valley Economic Devlopment District (MVEDD) for assisting us in the grant award and project submission phase of this effort.”