The Village of Middleburgh Board of Trustees will be holding our Monthly Board Meeting on Monday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM. Village residents may attend in-person at the Middleburgh Library or online via Zoom (
Please see the Agenda and attached Board Packet below.
- Mayor open meeting with Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM
- Announcement: National Grid to Begin Converting Village Streetlights to LEDs
- Motion to approve Board Minutes of February 3, 2025, and February 11, 2025.
- Fire Department Chief Gregory monthly report:
- VFIS – Fire Insurance Premium
- Code Officer Fink monthly report:
- 111 Railroad Avenue Update
- Superintendent Keyser monthly report:
- Streets:
- Stephen Hoerz Request to Adopt Richard Hanson Park.
- Scribner Avenue Sidewalk Replacement Slated for May.
- Water:
- Sewer:
- Streets:
- Discussion on Grove Street Sewer Extension
- Motion to approve Farrell Connection Request at 137 Grove Street
- Discussion on Survey Results
- Appoint Village Grants Committee in April
- Deputy Mayor Adams: 250th Committee Update
- Motion to Approve Personnel Committee Recommendation to hire Joseph Gilroy as Seasonal, DPW Laborer for $16.83 per hour, starting date retroactive to February 18, 2025, for 24 weeks.
- Motion to Approve hiring Stephen Torrado as Seasonal, DPW Laborer for $16.83 per hour, starting April 29, 2025, for 20 weeks.
- Public Comment: limited to 3 minutes per resident. Any interruptions or outbursts prior to Public Comment may result in offending resident being asked to leave.
- Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss Proposed Sale of Real Property – 106.15-10-16.2
- Audit Bills
- Correspondence:
- Adjournment