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The Village of Middleburgh is saddened to learn of longtime Village Clerk Janet Mayer’s recent passing. A resident of Chestnut Lane, Ms. Mayer served the Village of Middleburgh for over five decades, including 41 years as Village Clerk and an additional 10 years as both a Member and Alternate on the Joint Zoning Board of Appeals.

Serving under decades of Mayoral administrations from Garry Wilkens in the 1970s to Matthew Avitabile in the 2010s, Ms. Mayer witnessed the resiliency of Middleburgh through several large floods, expansion of municipal services, and the incorporation of new neighborhoods into the Village’s community fabric.

Then Mayor Matthew Avitabile and Former Mayors William Ansel-McCabe and Art Wargo presented Ms. Mayer with a retirement plaque in October 2014 after her retirement. Photo by the late Sheila Donegan.

For more information about Ms. Mayer’s incredible life, please see Coltrain Funeral Home’s obituary here. Remembrances and statements about Ms. Mayer’s public service from former and current Village officials are included below:

Janet gave 41 years of dedication to the Village of Middleburgh, the community, the people, and the youth,” stated Village Clerk Melanie Laraway, who served as Ms. Mayer’s Deputy Clerk for 10 years. She noted, “Janet was a straightshooter, and you knew where you stood. She had a strong passion for our Youth and Youth Programs. She loved her family and her kids. She was definitely a force of nature.”

Janet Mayer’s tenure as Village Clerk will likely be remembered for the truism that ‘Janet Mayer is the real Mayor of Middleburgh.’ With no disrespect intended to any of our past mayors, trustees, DPW managers, etc., it didn’t matter who was nominally in charge of a particular function. Janet was in charge, and she made things happen,” remembered Village Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman John Wingfield. He continued, “At village board meetings, it was not unusual for her to respond to a proposal to the effect ‘that’s not how it’s done. First you do this, then file that, and then we need to notify so and so.’ None of this was done with rancor or personal attacks, but with the assurance of someone who knows what they’re about.” Mr. Wingfield concluded, “I was pleasantly surprised when she agreed to serve on the ZBA upon her retirement as village clerk. She knew the backstory of nearly every controversy that came before us. When advancing age made it difficult for her to attend our public hearings in person, I would visit her at home to get her advice. She was always accommodating, and I always enjoyed our time together. I will miss her.”

It’s hard to describe how influential Janet was — and is — to our community. For 41 years she was a major influence in policy and procedure for the Village from Garry Wilkens until I was Mayor in 2014. She helped shape the path for myself and other mayors and our current great Village Clerk Melanie Laraway,” remarked former Mayor Matthew Avitabile. He continued, “Janet’s legacy is good governance, responsible budgeting, and a strong community spirit.”

The successes of our community today are built off a foundation of public servants like Ms. Mayer,” said Mayor Timothy Knight. He added, “For over forty years, mayors and trustees came and went with every election, but Ms. Mayer remained the one constant in the Village Clerk’s Office, and she ensured the fiscal health of Middleburgh through her guidance and steady hand.”

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