Mayor & Trustees
Timothy C. Knight, Mayor
Sheryl Adams, Deputy Mayor
See Events for the next Village Board Meeting dates
Phone: 518-827-5143
Fax: 518-827-9511
Email: timothycknight93@gmail.com
Hours: Monday - Friday
9am - 3pm

Village Clerk/Treasurer
Melanie Laraway
Deputy: Rebecca Kelley
309 Main St, P.O. Box 789
Middleburgh, NY 12122
Phone: 518-827-5143
Email: middleburghnyvillage@midtel.net
Fax: 518-827-9511
Hours: Monday - Friday
9am - 3pm

Building Inspector
Rick Fink
Deputy: Lloyd Stannard
309 Main St, P.O. Box 789
Middleburgh, NY 12122
Phone: 518-827-5143
Email: Villagemiddcodes@midtel.net
Fax: 518-827-9511
Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays
9am - 12noon
Apply for Village Building Permits Online: Cloudpermit - Log in